Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"

It is so nice to learn more about Science, because this is the one that it is hard to learn.Since when I discover more about Science I am happy because although I hate this subject so much, but it is very interesting and very challenging. It is very important to learn this subject therefore we can widen our knowledge. Adapting to diverse sciance culture for development its just a thing that we must learn more about it, so that we can have a better nation. And it is very important to learn because someday, somehow we can have a better future.
We must to love Science because it can give us more reminders to improve our life or our nature. Science consists of many things, such as how we can care our nature???For me its just to help each other. As a Science clubber I acn adapt myself to join any activities especially the tree planting, it is very important to plant trees because, this will help our mother nature becom successful. We must put also bour garbage in a proper way and in a proper place. We must also use it the 3R's(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) because it acn give us many benefits.

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