Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Proper Nutrition

It is imperative that every person is aware of the proper nutrition needed for the body. Nutrition is concerned with the intake of food,digestive process,the liberation of energy,the elimination of waste and the food that are essential for the growth and maintenance of the body. Proper Nutritions prevents diseases which may risk and shorten the life of an individual. The nutrients needed by the body include,carbohydrates,proteins,lipids,vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary for the maintenance and normal function of the body parts. Taking in the proper nutrition gives the body resistance againts lifestyle diseases such as highblood pressure,kidney trouble,obesity and even cancer.

Let us all be aware of the proper nutrition needed for our body to prevent lifestyle diseases.

1 comment:

  1. ur blog have a nice posts.like this one.

    .............also ur blog have a simple lay out.
    hope that u continue writing and posting in ur blog...

    nice one keep it up,fren
